Preliminaries ============= File Formats: XML and HDF5 -------------------------- XML ```` HDF5 ```` Science: Units, Statistical Mechanics ------------------------------------- Testing: Unit Tests, TDD, System Integration Tests -------------------------------------------------- Unit Tests `````````` Unit testing uses GoogleTest_. The unit tests are in the `pi-qmc/unit-test/` subdirectory, which mirrors the structure of the `pi-qmc/src` directory. Each unit test should execute in a few miliseconds, so that the entire suite can be run in a few seconds. Right now the unit tests are only included in the cmake build. .. _GoogleTest: System Integration Tests ```````````````````````` System integration tests are run with python scripts. We use the python unittest_ module to organize the test cases. These system tests can be run using nosetests_, like nosetests -v --rednose System integration tests run the `pi-qmc` executable on real test systems, and can take a few minutes to run. .. _unittest: .. _nosetests: Parallel Computing ------------------ MPI ``` OpenMP ``````